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Minimally Invasive Dentistry



Traditional dental treatment is the most ideal option for removing cavities and restoring tooth structures. However, for some patients this may not be feasible. Minimally invasive treatment can be a great alternative. Not every cavity or patient is a good candidate, so call us to see if your child can qualify!


Most of the time, there are:











There are several tools we can use as part of minimally invasive treatment, depending on the size and location of the cavity:





















In combination with good hygiene practices at home, some cavities can be actively monitored and may not progress further. 



Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF)


This is a liquid that we can paint on the cavity directly or with floss to stop or slow down its progression. Silver can kill the bacteria inside the cavity and fluoride can remineralize the tooth. SDF can be very effective for smaller cavities. It is also fast and easy! The downside is that there can be some discoloration and may need to be reapplied every 6 months.









Glass Ionomer (GI)


Glass ionomer (GI) is a white filling material that releases fluoride. The fluoride released can continuously recharge over a period of time as you brush your child's teeth with fluoridated toothpaste. Since fluoride can kill bacteria and remineralize the teeth, there is no need to remove all cavity, hence less need for shots or drilling. It's also fairly esthetic and can be used on front and back teeth. It can also be used to mask SDF discolorations.









Hall Technique


Hall technique using stainless steel crowns is an effective treatment for back molars that has small to medium sized cavities. The idea is to fill the crown with fluoride and once the cavity is sealed with the crown, the bacteria inside the cavity is starved of oxygen and nutrients and slowly dies. The technique is fast, easy, does not require shots or drilling and requires little cooperation from patients and has been shown in many studies to be very effective. The only downside is the esthetic of the crown.











Lesion Sterilization & Tissue Repair (LSTR)


When the nerve of the tooth has died and/or when an abscess forms, the tooth is traditionally extracted.  But extracting a tooth can be uncomfortable and may be a traumatic experience. Also, since baby teeth are space holders for adult teeth, removing a tooth may cause other teeth to shift, causing prolonged braces treatment later. LSTR involves putting a triple antibiotic paste inside the tooth and disinfects it. This does require a shot and some drilling, but is much better tolerate by patients than extractions.









Closeup of a baby tooth showing dark stain after application of Silver Diamine Fluoride
Silver Diamine Fluoride setup with box, dropper and dappen dish with microbrush
Tooth with cavity is stained dark by silver diamine fluoride. Notice only the area of cavity and not the whole tooth is stained
Dentist is placing glass ionomer filing material on the tooth
Glass ionomer filling material covering the dark stain from application of silver diamine fluoride
Diagram of choice of minimally invasive technique based on size and location of cavity

No shots

No drilling

No invasive treatment

No sedation

Tooth with a cavity before Hall technique
Hall crown being seated on a tooth with cavity

Triple antibiotic paste       

Graphic showing step-wise removal of nerve tissue and application of triple antibiotic paste

Dr. Li has treated many hundreds of teeth using these techniques over numerous years. She is a big believer in this treatment after seeing countless nervous patients come back happy and confident. 


Call today to find out if your child is a good candidate for minimally invasive technique!


Discover the wonder of a healthy smile.

Schedule with us today!

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