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Portrait of laughing happy cheerful infant girl kid with curly blonde hair brushing her te

First Dental Visit



We try to keep first appointments as positive as possible. To start off, they can show us how they brush on Allie the Alligator. Your child will be getting their teeth cleaned with a "special" toothbrush and they get to choose a yummy flavor.  They will also be getting prizes, toys, balloons and a colorful toothbrush to keep their teeth healthy.


Practice brushing


Even if you are nervous about your child's first visit, try to also be as positive as you can, avoiding words such as "shot", "hurt" or "needle" and please don't say, "if you don't behave I will take you to the dentist!"  We want to start off on the right foot!

Dentist toys



There is no need to prepare your child in any particular way for the visit, but if you would like to do so, Melissa & Doug Super Smile Dentist Play Set is a great toy to show them all the tools that we typically will use at your child's first cleaning appointment.


Discover the wonder of a healthy smile.

Schedule with us today!

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