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A smiling boy with healthy teeth holds a plush tooth and a toothbrush on a blue isolated b


  • When should I bring my child to the dentist?
    The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that a dental home be established no later than 12 months of age.
  • How often should I bring my child to the dentist?
    We typically recommend 6 months, but some patients with poor brushing habits may need more frequent cleanings or patients at higher risk for caries may need more frequent exams. Everything we do at Small Wonders Pediatric Dentistry is individually tailored.
  • Are dental x-rays harmful?
    The dosage of a dental x-ray is very minimal, no more than spending a day outside and much less than a cross-country flight. Decisions on x-rays will be made on an individual basis and we will not prescribe radiographs if it's not deemed necessary. However, without them, we cannot fully confirm or deny the existence of cavities or other pathology. You may speak to Dr. Li about what is best for your child.
  • Baby teeth will fall out anyway, so why should I take care of them?
    The baby teeth in the front will fall out sequentially starting around age 6, but some back teeth will not fall out until up to age 12. If baby teeth are not taken care of, they can cause pain or infection during that time, leading to missed school days. ​ Baby teeth serve as space holders for adult teeth later. Any baby teeth taken out early can lead to teeth shifting, closing the space for adult teeth. The result is painful and prolonged braces or possible removal of adult teeth later in life.
  • Why does my child need to stop thumb-sucking or pacifier use if they can just get braces later?
    Thumb or pacifier habit can cause the front teeth to have a large gap. This gap can close if the habit is stopped early. However, if prolonged, this can cause other problems such as tongue thrust. Though braces can be used to correct these cases, sometimes these cases can be difficult. The results may be temporary and the teeth may re-open. In worst cases, surgery will be needed to close the gap. We understand that your child may take comfort in this habit in going to sleep, but we promise you that breaking the habit will not have life-long psychological effects. In fact, children are amazingly resilient! Ask your dentist today about some strategies to help your child.
  • What do dental sealants do?
    Dental sealants is a coating that dentists can place on the biting surface of teeth to protect against cavities. The AAPD recommends it as it has been shown to be effective in reducing cavities. However, it cannot protect areas in-between teeth, so flossing is still needed. While placing sealants on adult teeth is universally recommended, sealants can be done on baby teeth on an individual basis. At Small Wonders, we will evaluate each patient to see if sealant can be recommended.
  • When will my child need braces?
    At each check-up visit, we will be evaluating your child's teeth and how they fit together. If there are issues early, we may refer you to an orthodontist for a "phase 1" treatment. This usually takes place around age 9. At this stage your child will likely still have a lot of baby teeth, but the braces may correct some urgent problems and then your child may or may not need a "phase 2" treatment when all adult teeth come in. ​ If there are no pressing issues, we generally will refer for an orthodontic consultation when all their adult teeth have come in.
  • Can you treat without shots?
    Yes we can! This is the whole premise of "minimally invasive dentistry" which we specialize in. Most fillings can be done without any shots under nitrous oxide sedation. We can also do crowns without any anesthesia, known as the Hall technique. Call us today to find out more!
  • Do you have BPA-free composite?
    We do offer BPA-free and fluoride-free composite option. We carry a ceramic-based composite material that has no classic monomers and is 100% BPA free.
  • Do you take my insurance?
    We accept PPO insurances. Not all the insurances we accept are listed on our website, so please verify with us. We also do a complimentary benefits check to help you maximize your insurance. We believe that everyone deserves access to quality dental care without breaking the bank. We understand that traditional dental insurance can be expensive, confusing, and sometimes limiting. Our in-house membership plans are designed to give you the best quality care at affordable prices. Call us today to find out more!
  • Why should I do an in-house membership plan when I have insurance?
    While dental insurance provides important benefits, many patients find that a dental membership plan offers additional advantages and can be a valuable supplement to their existing coverage. In fact, by joining our in-house membership plan, you're essentially cutting out the insurance "middle man" and receiving care directly from our practice. Here are a few reasons why you might consider signing up for our membership plan: No annual maximums: Dental insurance plans typically have annual limits on coverage, often around $1,000-2,000. Once you hit that limit, you're responsible for paying any additional costs out of pocket. With our membership plan, there are no annual maximums, so you can get the care you need without worrying about exceeding your coverage limits. No deductibles: Many insurance plans require you to pay a certain amount out of pocket before your coverage kicks in, known as a deductible. With our membership plan, there are no deductibles, so you can start receiving the benefits of your coverage right away. No waiting periods: Many insurance plans have waiting periods before certain treatments are covered, particularly for more costly procedures. With our membership plan, you can get the care you need right away without having to wait. Treatment decisions based on your needs, not insurance: Insurance companies often dictate what procedures are covered, which may not always align with what's best for your dental health. With our membership plan, treatment decisions are made by you and your dentist based on your unique needs, not insurance limitations. Predictable costs: Insurance plans can have complex fee structures and it's not always clear what your out-of-pocket expenses will be. Our membership plan has straightforward, predictable pricing so you always know what to expect in terms of costs. Potential savings: Depending on your insurance plan and your dental care needs, our membership plan may offer significant savings compared to paying out of pocket or relying solely on insurance coverage. Our dental membership plan is designed to provide affordable, comprehensive care to help you maintain optimal oral health. It can be a valuable addition to your insurance coverage, giving you added peace of mind and access to the care you need. Contact us to learn more and sign up today!

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