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Cute toy for Tooth Fairy Day as funny smiling cartoon character of tooth fairy with crown,

Comprehensive Exam

All patients presenting for a new patient check-up will receive a comprehensive exam. This is the most important part of the visit and we spend a lot of time with each patient, to ensure that we don't miss anything.  


Medical History Eval

We take a very thorough history of your child's medical history at the first visit, including birth history and family history.


Dental Evaluation

The dental evaluation consists of a very detailed look at the teeth to check for cavities, missing teeth or extra teeth as well as any other pathology. We will ONLY advise x-rays if it's necessary


Orthodontic Eval

We will check for spacing and "bite" - or how the teeth fit together and give referrals if needed.


Soft Tissue Eval

We don't just look at teeth! We check the gums, tongue, cheeks so we don't miss anything!


Airway screening

1 in 10 children suffer from sleep apnea, a condition which is frequently caused by enlarged tonsils. We always try to check the back of throat and ask relevant questions for sleep apnea screening.


Brushing Assessment

Prevention is better than intervention. We usually ask parents to demonstrate how they brush and floss at home. For our older patients, we will ask them to show us themselves


Diet Assessment

We will go over what your child typically eats and give nutritional counseling as needed

Radiation Dosage Chart

We understand your hesitation about dental x-rays. Dental x-ray dosage is very small in comparison to normal daily living. Without x-rays we may miss important information.  We commit to you that we will individually assess each patient and will only take if necessary.

Comparison of dental x-ray to daily activities showing that x-rays are not harmful

Discover the wonder of a healthy smile.

Schedule with us today!

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